Anson’s wide ranging practice incorporates painting, sculpture and performance.
fantastical paintings depicting wild human-animal hybrid forms and scenes,
Anson expresses her central concern - exploring the potential for symbiosis
between human and animals to express the self and repair damage to humanity.
her ceramic works, Anson generates and reinterprets stereotypically feminine
characteristics and symbols to engender magical links with the natural world
full of plants, coral forms and bulbous body parts mirroring pregnant or
fertile bodies.
Likewise, in installation environments generating vibrant,
fantastical gardens, and in performances in which Anson engages with an animal
companion including a snake or dog, the artist attempts to introduce viewers to
her fantasy world in which the primacy of nature, the body and tactility rule.
the creation of wet sensual spaces and dreamlike, vibrant and colourful fantasy
worlds, she aims to reflect on wildlife,
when there is so little wild in the world. Georgia plays with aspects of nature
– the cycle of birth and death - and
combines it with her interest in zoophilia and the distinctions humans create
between themselves and animals.
If you would like to see more of Georgia's art or find out more about her life visit her blog, BEASTLY: